Climate Change and adaptation

Nowadays, more and more scientific articles can be read online about global climate change. Climate change is possibly the most significant challange of the 21th century.

Reading these articles, one can think that the current changes are independent of us and we cannot influence these processes.However, these changes are quite complex and diverse processes affecting almost every aspect of human life, so we are all concerned – regardless of our will – and in addition to reducing emissions, which are accelerating climate change, it is extremely important to find a way to adapt to the new circumstances and to prepare for the changes.

The current climate change is caused by natural processes as well as anthropogenic effects but the present accelerated and drastic transformation is mainly due to human activity. We emit huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere through our lifestyles and activities (mainly by burning oil, gas and other fossil fuels), thereby enhancing the Earth’s natural greenhouse effect. As a result, the temperature of the Earth’s surface and the amount of energy stored in the atmosphere are increasing, which leads to the occurrence of extreme weather events associated with additional negative effects. All of this has a very serious impact on our environment, wildlife and the life of the human population.

Although climate change can not be avoided – significantly changing our lives – we have the opportunity to mitigate impacts, to prepare consciously, and to adapt properly. Thus mankind has several opportunities to slow down this process with an uncertain outcome, as well as modify and reduce the unfavorable effects. However, in many cases, these opportunities require us to change certain habits and attitudes so that our children, grandchildren and the future generation will be able to receive the same natural heritage as we did from our predecessor.

“Sustainability is about meeting the present needs of humankind while preserving the environment and natural resources for future generations.”

Declaration of the World Academies of Science, Tokyo, 2000.

The main goal of the series of articles, launched in the framework of the LIFE-CLIMCOOP project, is to provide information on climate change for people living in the region of Kazincbarcika and the employees of BorsodChem Zrt. that will enable us to take joint action against the adverse, local effects of climate change. In order to do this, it is important to know both the exact effects and the severity and direction of the potential changes. We will use the information at our disposal to help them. In our series, we also describe specific options for adaptation that can moderate the adverse impacts of climate change and effectively preserve and even improve our quality of life in a changed environment for a livable and sustainable future!

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